Today I was happy to receive in my inbox a wonderful and humble email from the Team at Wyze. As you may or may not know our family is a big fan of the company and the products they offer. If your a fan you will really enjoy the video below as it explains the hardships and the successes of being an entrepreneur.
Here is their announcement
With these new funds, we’ll be making big investments into the next generation of Wyze smart home products, including an outdoor camera.
In a recent user survey, we discovered just how much you’ve directly contributed to the success of Wyze. Nearly 80% of you have talked about Wyze with a friend, leading to an additional 200,000 users to our community. You’ve also provided feedback which has allowed our products to get better and better. Because of you, Wyze is disrupting the smart home industry and has been fortunate to have many interested investors.
Wyze operates on a unique business model of selling great products at the lowest possible price. Because of this, we’ve been extremely careful and spent nearly a year to find the right partner who also believes being friends with our customers is non-negotiable.
This is why we’re extremely proud to announce we’ve partnered with Norwest Venture Partners. Not only does Norwest share our core values, but they’ve also been critical investment partners for companies like IFTTT, Uber, and Spotify. They bring a magnitude of experience to the table. Together, with you, we’ll build the next generation of accessible and affordable smart home products. It’s going to be an exciting year.
Thank you for making this possible!
Your more-motivated-than-ever friends at Wyze.
I’m so proud of this company and I look forward to what they can now offer us as the end user by securing finances with this new investment.
Congratulations Wyze, and much love!
Visit them at: https://wyze.com
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